Saturday, December 05, 2009

Problems? Solutions?

Wendell Berry says that "simple solutions will always lead to complex problems, surprising simple minds" and, as Tonya  says, I agree. But I've seen simple solutions solve complex problems. And (much) more often, I've seen complex solutions lead to complex problems --- much to the delight of the simple minds that knew there was at least another year of problem solving to keep them occupied.

According to Berry, who, at least as far as Wikipedia knows, has never had to write poetry or prose to please a corporate manager, "good and responsible use of family-sized holdings cannot be expected of people with the subservient mindset of corporate employees..". I agree with that as well. But it's unlikely that simpleminded corporate mindset is going to go away any time soon. Especially when it's bolstered by mindless media mindset. For me, it's hard to tell which drives which. Is it media -> corporate? Corporate -> media? Or even people -> media -> corportate? No one gets off the hook. Berry would like to see "leadership from the bottom". If leadership implies the ability to solve problems, I would be happy to see leadership from anywhere.

Maybe some of the uhmmm... use cases that are floating around the internet in the name of "social media" will eventually worm their way into the corporation and, if those tools are not "corp-opted" (or media-ated) and turned into Crisco,  corporations will become a bit less leadership deprived, less  simpleminded, less "top down".

Then those of us who don't want to have chickens in our back yards won't have to.

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