Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Lost Carrot Process

This recipe came from The Chief Cook's sister, who happens to be The Chief Cook of The East. You slice some carrots (about 1 pound shown here).

And saute, stirring frequently, in butter and olive oil until they begin to caramelize. How far you go is up to you. I like them slightly blackened around the edges.

Season at the last moment. Just salt and pepper for me. You'll notice that the carrot volume has decreased considerably. I was talking with The Berkeley Daughter while I was cooking this dish and I'm sure that she would agree that a large quantity of carrot flogiston has returned to the aether.

You can squeeze a dash of lemon juice over the carrots before serving. In the original recipe, you're supposed to pulverize the carrots after cooking. But I like em like this. According to The Chief Cook, "You're not supposed to serve carrots with pasta". But I did. And the following proof is published against her wishes.

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